Initiatives / Career Pathways / Grants


Through grantmaking and partnership, we work to increase the number of Boston students who progress through career pathways that are engaging and relevant, address community needs, and prepare young people to enter meaningful careers.

Applications for the 2024-2025 Career Pathways Grants are now closed.

Career Pathways funds grants in 2 areas:

Foundations of Career and Academic Learning (FOCAL Grants)

FOCAL Grants will support schools interested in integrating school-wide efforts around career readiness, with specific attention on leveraging personalized learning plans through MyCAP. We are happy to award the grant to the following:

  • Codman Academy Charter School
  • Jeremiah E. Burke High School
  • uAspire

Initiative for Deepening and Expanding Access to Learning through Career Pathways (IDEAL Career Pathways Grants)

IDEAL Career Pathways Grants will support schools and their career-focused partner organizations to increase student access and persistence in existing career pathways by supporting pathway development in elements of high quality pathways. We are happy to award the grant to the following:

  • Apprentice Learning
  • Boston Day and Evening Academy
  • Boston Green Academy
  • Brighter Boston
  • Cristo Rey Boston High School

If you have any questions, please email LaVonia Montouté, Senior Director of Career Pathways,

SY 2023-2024 Grantees

Pathway Planning

  • Boston Green Academy
  • Boston International Newcomers Academy
  • Jeremiah E. Burke High School
  • Margarita Muñiz Academy
  • O’Bryant School of Math and Science
  • TechBoston Academy


  • Jeremiah E. Burke High School
  • Madison Park Technical Vocational High School
  • UAspire


  • Apprentice Learning
  • Brighter Boston with the O'Bryant School of Math and Science
  • Charlestown High School
  • Cristo Rey Boston High School
  • Fenway High School
  • Margarita Muñiz Academy
  • Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center